Brigadier General Haile Meles Tesema, who died without losing his sense of patriotism and determination, was heard in the old administrative structure. In Debretabor District, From his father who was famous and eloquent in Farta Kmr Stone Deputy District, Megendi Giorgis Parish, Gaidba Parish.

Fitaurari Meles city and heard from his mother Mrs. Zewditu on January 28, 1933. They were born when they were old enough to go to school, a teacher was hired for them and they were able to repeat David's spiritual education. Then going to a modern school they have completed their 6th grade education. The responsibility of the family fell on his shoulders as his biological father was taken away at a young age.

As a result, they ended up being forced to drop out of their regular education. Even if they are forced to drop their regular school in the morning to be the bearer of family responsibility. However, in 1960, he faced an incident that would continue his military career, leading to his promotion to the rank of general.

                     General Haile In Woreta

In the mentioned year, the Ethiopian government in the national army battalions. One of them is the 11th Battalion, which was established in Woreta, where they entered the basic infantry school and went on to train. Impressing the army unit by coming out first in the same training and surpassing those who had much better color education and military experience than him and they succeeded.

At that time, Emperor Haile Selassie, who came to graduate the trainees, couldn't believe it when he heard that the National Army Corps had come out first. Army "It means the army is dead," General Haile was promoted to second place, and on February 23, 1963, he received a special pen award from the emperor.

             General Haile In Somali

Somali war fighter and combat officer in the war against the invading Somalia from 1969-1970, General Haile trained and led the 69th militia brigade as a frontline fighter they are the best officer ever to adventure.

In September 1970, General Haile, who entered the battle on the Dredawa front; Karamara, Jijigan, Deghabur and finally on March 1, 1970. It was Haile Meles who led the brigade that freed Kabridehar from the invading forces of Somalia and led the eastern front war to victory.

The general is one of the legendary heroes whose names are called when the battle of Karamara starts. Even today, there are few people who can testify that he did an excellent job by aligning the intellectuals and the residents of the city on his side with a strategy full of administrative wisdom. From April 1975 to May 1980, the military commissar of Shawa province, from May 1980 to 1981, the autonomous administration of Tigray province.

               General Haile In South Gondar

Chief Administrator, from January 19, 1981 to February 1983, he served his country as the 1st Secretary of South Gondar Province ESPA. When the Derg government was defeated, he said, "I did not inherit the history of surrender, which we are known for".

"It is not our culture." After several years of fighting in different places in the country, they were forced to migrate to a neighboring country. They did their best by heading first to Kenya and then to Sudan. The TPLF colluded with the Sudanese government and ended up jailing them.

                     General Haile In New Zealand

When they lost their country, were exiled in the neighboring country and were arrested, the government of Sudan was ready to hand them over, so they had to migrate far away to New Zealand. Even though they were not lucky enough to live in their beloved country, their remains rested at the end of their lives.

Everyone who knows General Haile will testify that he was not angry and his blood boils against Ethiopia's enemies, but as a person he was a very kind, tender and humble person who respected everyone. General Haile Meles was married, a grandfather of 7 children and 13 grandchildren.