Dejazmach Negash Workneh was born from a princely family. His father Fitaurari Workneh Ras Gebremedhen Hailemariam Gebre Tesfa is the son of his father Fitaurari Workneh Gebre Medhehn's uncle is the famous governor of Semen Dejazmach Ube Haile Mariam Gebre Tesfa. Dejazmach Ube Haile Maryam was the first among the governors who were determined to end the era of modern rulers.

Dejazmach Negash Workneh is a native of the historical district of Semen, which was the birthplace of famous, national and famous patriots. Historically, the part of Ethiopia called Semen until 1933. It covers the area from Bambalo to Kzeze. From the time of Aksum to 1928 AD. 

                      Dejazmach In Bamblo

Until then, the possessions of the governors appointed in my name were called "Bamblo be Meles Keze be Fuses". Bambalo is a valley 30 kilometers north of Gondar city. Semen district until 1933. Until then, it contained the districts of Wolkait, Peggede, Kelemat and Humera.

From 1934 Later, according to the first decree issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the 42 districts before the invasion were divided into 12 governorates. When the provinces [became 14 after 1950], Semen district is part of Semen and Begemdir province, and Semen district is part of Semen province.
It is divided into two districts.

After him, Qarau's son Kasa Hailu, Gojamu Dejazmach Tedla Gwaluna, Sahle Selassie, the king of the Showa, gathered his rivals and rose to rule without Angas, but only Kasa Hailu, the son of Qarau, was successful.

            Dejazmach Negash With Dejazmach Ube

Kasa Hailelu Beles, the seer of Qara, was jealous of Dejazmach Ube in the war at Derasge. When he defeated Dejazmach Ube and became king, Mary and his father were brought in to be anointed at Derasge. He reigned as King, Ethiopia, Seyume, God.

After Emperor Tewodros, Emperor Tekle defeated Giorgis Adwa and Emperor Yohannes reigned, crossing the Kezen River and entering the Amarau country, as he said, "I reign as the successor of Emperor Tewodros and the heir to the throne." They are uncle.

The first of Dejazmach Negash's stories is about their amazing struggle during the Fascist Itlian occupation. When Ethiopia was under fascist occupation, most of the governors; In a flying vehicle in the sky, Mussolini came with his money. When they joined the fascists, he recognized the name of their fathers' territory from Bambalo to Kzeze.

When it is known that his honor has been protected, he is a brave patriot who has fought for the patriotism of all those who said that if he is in the enemy's hands and manages the history of the country, I will not see it.

During their time as a patriot, they were armed only with invincibility against the fascist army and bands that were flying in the sky and on the ground. Among the few areas of our country where the flag of Ethiopia was flying high in the country during the five years of fascist occupation, the name district from Bambalo to Kzeze was the first to be ruled by Dejazmach Negash Workneh.

In addition to this, it was also a land where the patriots who had carried out the movement in various parts of Ethiopia, which had been liberated by the patriot army led by Dejazmach Negash, would find protection.

                        Final Of Dejazmach Negash 

Dejazmach Negash used to collect taxes from the lands they liberated and supported the patriotic struggle in other areas and provided training. Dejazmach Negash was appointed by the emperor and served as the governor of the Semen district when the fascist occupation ended and Ethiopia became completely independent. Later in his life he was a member of the Legislative Council of the Imperial Government.