When the enemy invaded Ethiopia, Fitaurari Shimels Habte was a common fullness abegaz in Harar. In 1928, when the enemy's army was advancing in the eastern part, they engaged in patriotism in their country. The enemy is expanding his brutal work when he came, he said, "I'm an unsuspecting thief".

Even if the enemy invades my country, I stand before my life, but I am determined to shed my blood for my king and my country. they sais "But I will not hand over the city of Multan to the enemy without making a story from the square where I was honored and dined," Graziani, who understood the determination of Fitaurari Shimels Habten, said, "The military leaders of the Italian government They will attack the existing Ethiopian army and occupy the entire country. If you fight in vain, they will be punished mercilessly.

He sent them. Fitaurari Shimel's answer was, "I am loyal to my king. I will not obey another lord. If you want, show up and let's see." Immediately, an army was sent from Harar to the possession of Fitaurari Shimels, outside Gara Muleta, at a place called Dawi location held. The commander of the army was killed by one of the leaders of Fitaurari, Berhe, and the booty was given to them. The invading army could not withstand the battle and escaped to Harar. When the enemy regrouped their spears, Fitaurari took their spears to a place called Bisan Harawatha. They moved. Together with other military leaders, they defended in a coalition for six months. 

                                Shimels With Kanabali

Colonel Kanabali, the leader of the enemy army stationed at Deder, said, "We have forgiven you for your past mistakes, but now let them go straight in. Otherwise, they will be called robbers.". He sent a messenger saying, "Know that you will be destroyed by the specially trained new army.".Colonel Kanabalim got angry and gathered a huge army from everywhere On the 16th of 1929, a war broke out. The battle continued unabated until October 19.

Fearing that the Italians will not taste their second defeat the army led by Fitaurari Shimels was forced to change positions as they politically aroused the people of Bisan Harawala and prevented them from supporting the patriots. They moved from Harar to Arusi Firaqa. As soon as they stayed in this place for 20 days, a supporter of the enemy called Fitaurari Wubshet gave them a fierce and bitter battle. After 3 days of fighting, the march to Bale began. On the way, he was attacked by the enemy with planes and infantry in a field called Albaso, and he was forced to retreat due to injuries. 

If you drop a material one of the planes was shot down by a Fitaurari. When they arrived at Bale, they were welcomed by Princess Romanework Haile Selase and her husband Dejazmach Yene Merad at Agarfa. After staying for a month, they met with the army of Neras Khuda on the other side.

                         Shimels In Shawana

Apart from the patriot fighting around the capital in Shawana, there were many patriots in various other units. Later, there was a strong patriotic force led by Balambaras Abebe Ageai, who was given the title of headman for his patriotic service. As soon as Italy occupied the country, among the forces that started the patriotic struggle, especially the self-indulgent army that fought in Sidamo deserves to be mentioned. 

In modern according to sources, the number of this veteran is estimated to be 95000. This number seems exaggerated. There were many fighters lurking around the capital awaiting orders. Since May 1936, the resistance to the Italians has not been broken heavy battles were fought.

                  Final Of Fitaurari Shimels Habte

On January 24, 1929, the enemy opened a sudden battle near Dodola. The leader of the army, named Bilsari, was hit and severely wounded. On January 25, 1929, in a war called Hebono, Fitaurari Shimels died while fighting bravely. They were buried there along with their brave soldiers. In 1939, his remains were exhumed and buried in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.