Fitaurari damitew listened to him in 1887 Ethiopian calendar. Led by the right-wing Genme and teacher Gebreegizihaber. On the war with the delegation of the Russian country Adwa to ask a group of doctors who treat the injured soldiers they had gone. Fitaurari damitew listened and were chosen for this mission. The speaker is also beautiful and elegant it was because they were favored.

The envoys left Addis Ababa in May 1887, they entered Djibouti through Harare and stayed for a while in June. At the beginning of the month from Djibouti called Irabida in France. They boarded a ship and arrived at Port Said, Egypt and when they arrived in Odesa, they moved to the country of Miskob. The governor followed the civil and military officers. He did them without a reception.

                         In Petersburg Russia

Then from Odessia by train they traveled to the city of Petersburg where the emperor (of Russia) was Until they arrived, they were attacked in every street and city. The reception was a high fraternity. When they entered the city of Petersburg, the mayor of the city, the military commander, The rest of the princes and officials wore their honor clothes The people of the city lined up and welcomed them. Then Europe they took them to a large hotel called a hotel, according to their rank they gave them a class and put them down. 

The journey from the hotel where you stayed to when the palace is headed, the people lined up left and right in Hota and he was escorted out of the palace with applause they arrived. Then the emperor Nicholas in his hall they were waiting for them, so they went there. This time the main envoy Fitaurari listened and gave a speech.

                  Damitew With Menilek

Fitaurari Damitew listened and emphasized what he said. Emperor Menilek pointed out in his letter and Emperor. Menelik's letter of friendship to the king, the letter of the empress. They were happy to be able to deliver to Queen Alexandra and for the new king of Russia, Nicholas, Emperor Menelik they expressed their happiness and good wishes. 

Various if you talk to government officials and what they are sent to after they finished, they listened to Fitaurari, who was having a hard time and their colleagues the king and the queen and others. In the end, they said goodbye with a feeling of happiness, love and longing. From the Minister of War, one hundred and fifty Berdans. They accepted and immediately returned to their country in haste.

Fitaurari Damitew listened and moved Emperor Menelik to Adwa contact them beforehand and provide a note of the message's effect. Emperor Menelik said that Fitaurari's journey was tiring they freed them from the Adwa campaign by asking them to rest in understanding and they sent them away, telling them to wait in the city. 

Fitaurari Damitew the king did not want to miss the campaign. He moved and settled while he was not resting without doing so, immediately march with their own army. They moved and joined the army of Emperor Menelik. Fitaurari listened and returned from their trip to Russia on the tenth. The month of martyrdom without rest. The front of the army is badly beaten and driven away they were killed by enemy bullets.

The entire army was deeply saddened by the death of this hero. From the war. Later, they found out that their relatives had died they were blamed. According to Ben Fitaurari's message, the King of Russia the king healed the Ethiopian army wounded in the war. Red saying give treatment while giving and doing. 

Cross Society sent doctors to Ethiopia. And the doctors. After the end of the war, they entered Addis Ababa on July 28, 1888. He built a house for the wounded and the doctors and made medicine And treatment was done.

                   Damitew With Gebehehu

In 1881, Fitaurari Damitew bought Gebehehu Shaka they are called Balambaras when they catch the catch. He was the head of the cavalry guard, but later the title of Fitaurari Damitew they got it. Fitaurari Damitew listen to self happiness and listen. He is the father of Major General Abebe Damtu. Their son's head was happy and listened to Italy during the Mussolini era. When you attacked us for the second time, they moved from place to place with Akuri's bravery.

Finally, they fought bravely and finally fell into the hands of the enemy. The fascist shot them dead. Father and son in two. Different times for their country, their honor and their people by the arrogant Italians for having fought a bitter battle. The modern history of Ethiopia despite being killed by the government army. They are the children of Ethiopia who will not be forgotten.