Fitaurari Shiferawu was a military commander sent by the commander of the northern army, Dejazmach Ayaleu Bru, to surround and guard the Italians' fort near Getahun Keze. Fitaurari Shiferawu Getahun, December 5, 1928, the year of mercy. As they were going forward in search of a forest where they could hide, they were told that when they got there, they found a small forest and had to camp there. The place where they camped was a little sparsely populated and there was no forest, so even though it was not known to the enemy that they had left and arrived, they could not spend the night without being seen. While they are in this situation, fearing that their army will not even reach the enemy's location, they will be killed by the Italian plane.

They decided to strike the battle of Indabaguna was fought on December 6, 1928. In terms of number of people, the Italian army that fought in Bagagun and Mesego, the Fitaurari army was more than the Lord. People who participated in the war speak. But the difference between the two parties in terms of equipment was as far as heaven and earth. The most common material of the Ethiopians was the same old rifle. In that sense, the Italians

Apart from the fact that the army was fighting hard for the fort, it had cannons, many heavy and light machine guns, as well as many grenades and tanks. However, in the end, the victory was for the Ethiopians. So, the "Ashkere" of Italy and Meleyo, who survived those who died on the battlefield and fled along the Inda Trinity road, were seen falling for many kilometers.

                         Shiferawu With Badoglio

When the number of dead bodies is estimated, it is found to contradict the number of dead and wounded given by Marshal Badoglio. The exact number of dead and wounded from both the Italian and Ethiopian sides. Their number was unknown, but there were many.

There was also a lot of equipment captured from the Italians. Heavy and light machine material and rifle ammunition box by box. As it was, it was all a lot. The lire was left over from the soldiers and was in abundance in the hands of the countrymen, so when we arrived, a band of silver was exchanged for a thousand lire. And broken and unbroken tanks

                            Shiferawu In Inda Selase Road

Iron clad trucks were often seen parked and overturned in Toru Maidan and Inda Selase Road. The place where the battle of Indabaguna was fought, the day it was fought, the Ethiopians who won the war and the Italians who won the war, have their own appearance and character. in order to italy was victorious in the last total war and captured Ethiopia, the appearance and behavior of Indabaguna.

It doesn't change it. The fact that Italy has finally conquered Ethiopia will not resurrect the fallen heroes from their graves. Full bodies that are disabled. It doesn't make them. Because this has been done, it cannot be done again! Of course in others. In other places and on other dates, Italy won and occupied Ethiopia.

                             Shiferawu In Dolio

On the battlefield, we do not have the experience of counting the dead and wounded of the enemy as well as our own, so I don't think anyone knows for sure how many of us and the enemy died and how many were wounded in the battle. But in Dolio, Marshall In 1936 In the war history book he wrote, he wrote that 392 soldiers and 9 officers were killed and wounded on the Italian side, totaling 401. 

Therefore, the number of dead bodies of the Italian and Meleyo-clad "Ashkere" who were seen falling for many kilometers when they escaped from the battlefields of Abaguna and the battlefield, is found to be contradictory to the number of dead and wounded given by Marsha Badoglio.

But all that brave Fitaurari Sheferawu and his brave followers destroyed the Italian fort, broke the artillery and machine gun fence, smashed the tank, killed most of the Italians, threw away their surviving weapons and chased away the victory of Indabaguna in no way! Italy's conquest of Ethiopia, the heroism of Fitaurari Sheferawu Getahun.

He can't take it! In the place where he won the victory, even if he fell on Ndabaguna, until the time comes to destroy the earth from its history, his bravery and his name will be with Ndabaguna mountain. They live forever.