She was born in 1902 in Hossaina city in Kenbata district in the old pronunciation. Arbagna Likyelesh who grew up in the local tradition and culture followed David's exemplary education and even repeated it. With their knowledge of reading and writing, they could convey the message they wanted. When the patriots reached the age of independence, they were married to the culture and tradition of the society they grew up in when they were young.

In 1928, when Italy invaded Ethiopia for the second time, they fought under Dejazmach Masresha Wolde, who marched with the army of Kembata district with the rifle of his grandfather, Mr. Shibru, and fought in the northern part of Ethiopia.

Arbagna Likyelesh was a patriot who left for the freedom of his country before his four and a half month old baby. However, after the end of the Northern War in Italy's supremacy, the patriot was indifferent to that, like other patriots they all returned to their native areas.

                       Likyelesh With Kebede

Later, in 1930, they killed Kunbi, a right-wing fascist gang, and captured their Nasmaser rifles and entered the forest. In the same year, together with her husband, Kebede Kasaye, they suddenly opened fire and killed and wounded several fascist soldiers, and then captured what was called a water machine. The fact that they handed the baton over to Ras Abebe, who had the best activity at the time, made their story stand out.

In September of 1931, arbagna likyelesh, together with her husband, fought a fierce battle at a special place called Webera, near the Shawa Robi River. In that place, her husband was shot by the Italians and fell. At that time, the Italians made a great rush to cut the neck of her husband. But in order not to cut her husband's neck, when the patriot ran out of ammunition, they untied her husband's  from his waist and killed four Italian soldiers. They saved their husbands from being beheaded by the Italians and hid their bodies in the forest. The next day they were buried in a religious ceremony.

Two years after the death of their careless husband, in 1933, they fought fiercely against fascist soldiers. After that, they moved from place to place loading more than 1,000 Mouzer bullets and in Agasus and engaged in heavy fighting with the enemy for five years.

During the Second Italian War, the patriots retreated from their positions when the balance of the army was tipped towards the enemy. At that time,  Likyelesh was always on the battlefield and the Ethiopian flag did not separate them.

But that day, while they were fighting, they suddenly fell without seeing him, so they left him. Remembering them while on the road. The patriot was captured by Italian soldiers from their sleeping position. They inflicted great torture and pain on them. At that time, the Italians called the Italian regime "Amen" to the Ethiopian captives. They were beguiling them with various benefits so that they would accept it. Mrs. Innocent Bayan, however, did not buy all this.

                        Likyelesh In Wolde Gorges

After Italy took control of Ethiopia,  likyelesh Baya used to gather and organize women to prepare food for the internal patriots. They make clothes by spinning cotton and wear them. They used indigenous medical methods to treat and recover with food for those who fell wounded in the wolde gorges. 

Although the role of men is often highlighted in the sacrifices made to protect the borders, they fought from the front and the back for its success and the war ended in victory. After Italy took control of Ethiopia, Likyelesh Baya used to gather and organize women to prepare food for the internal patriots. They make clothes by spinning cotton and wear them. They used indigenous medical methods to treat and recover with food for those who fell wounded in the wild gorges.

                        Final Of Likyelesh Baya

In 1942 (after independence), Emperor Haile Selassie awarded five medals of patriotism and bravery to the Ethiopian patriots for their patriotism and sacrifices. However, this veteran died in October she died in 1972 due to illness. Her funeral was held at the Holy Trinity Church in Addis Ababa in the presence of senior government officials.