Fitaurari Wondimneh Gebrekidan was born in 1895 in Nweba Kebele, near Wgoda Warana Angolla Kidane Mehret in Showa Province. After staying in Ziyam for a while, he came to Addis Ababa and grew up studying at St. Giurgis School. Then he accepted the scholarship and returned to his native land.

After growing up, he had a career in advocacy. He was also a good advocate and was very effective. When the enemy invaded Ethiopia, this brave hero "gathered the people of the country to loot the granary, saying that the grain of the king should not be used by the enemy." This was intended to provoke a fight with the enemy.

Then, while he was preparing for war, the enemy captured him and took him to Debreberhan and sentenced him to death. But the man said to them, "If you are going to kill me alone, let me catch all those who have conspired against you." When they thought it was true and let him go, he went back to his old preparation and began to do his war work.

                      Fitaurari Wondimneh In Warari

In 1929, he fought with many armies in Warari, Chala, Abchu, and then with Ne Ras Abebe Ageai in Salale, Muger, and Gendeberet. In 1930, he returned to his country and won many battles, making his name grow. And he got many followers from his countrymen. Fitaurari was a man with good administrative knowledge, so he gave strict orders to the patriots not to extort any property or alimony from the country men.

This not only made the countrymen willingly give the alimony that we had decided, but also made him an accomplice to his patriotic work. This type of practice was common among the veterans of the Shoah.

                 Fitaurari Wondimneh In Debre Berhan

Fitaurari, Wondimneh Gebrekidan, stationed his army not more than 15 kilometers from the city of Debre Berhan, where a large number of enemy forces were stationed. His task was to terrorize the enemy by going to the enemy's village when he was at a critical distance. His bravery was known among the great patriots because he often went to war on his own.

He was a hero who carried out his patriotism regardless of his wounds, even though he was injured by material many times during his battles. In addition, it was not hidden from Gallagher or the veterans that he bravely broke out of the difficult circles he was in and fought amazing battles. This valiant patriot was accompanied by many enemy soldiers, choosing and throwing down the enemy colonel, major, captain, because it was his bread and butter to fight with this patriot, there was no permission from any Italian commander.

An Unexpected Accident on Fitaurari Wondimneh Gebrekidan On March 8, 1932, at 11:30 p.m, Fitaurari Wondimneh and a few veterans who were with him entered a dangerous camp. But without considering this circle, he armed his people and when he appeared with a small number of machine guns, "the enemy left a man's door for him". However, the way he broke the circle was another dilemma and because there were other changers who were entering another circle, the problem was that few people could stop him. So another troubleshooting was needed.

The place where he was was on the edge of the Kand stream, so he sent the 5 soldiers who were there to cross the stream with the machine guns. He kept defending himself as 3. Thus, the fact that he was able to hold back that large enemy army was a manifestation of his brave "Samsonian" power. The plan was that after the 5 veteran soldiers had crossed, the 5 veterans who had crossed before him would have to defend the 3 when he crossed himself. However, the plan could not be carried out as these patriotic soldiers who were sent to cross the river in advance were cut off by another enemy army.

                         Fitaurari In Kandit Goth

He was unable to defeat the large army that was coming in front of him by himself. So he was forced to drop into the river. However, another army received him, so "Kandit Goth" entered the middle and continued the argument alone.

Even though the camp was in a rectangular area, the brave Fitaurari Wondimneh Gebrekidan was alone for about 8 and a half hours, overwhelming and capturing the enemy. Finally, when he ran out of ammunition, he "had to fall into the hands of the enemy". Even so, he was not brave enough to take the hand of this hero. "The warrior's mule was brought to him and he began to think about what he should do. When he thought, it was like his bravery.

He immediately grabbed a soldier's rifle and tried it, but it was found to be empty. He was surprised to see a soldier carrying a bulletproof rifle. Immediately, if an enemy soldier threw a material at him, he pulled it back in his hand without exploding, threw it back at them, killed many of them, and when he escaped, he could not hide from the hail of bullets that were falling and he was hit in the forehead and fell down.

             Final Of Fitaurari Wondimneh Gebrekidan

At this time, the enemy who had his hand in violence cut off his hand and head and took him out of the city of Debre Berhan and made the people say goodbye to him when he saw him. You have fought 23 major battles in total until the end of the Fitaurari Wondimneh Gebrekidan. He was 37 years old when he passed away.