Beloved Ayalew Mekonen was born on November 27, 1891 in a kebele named Ashuda Abo, Bahir Dar District to his father, Fitaurari Mekonen Wase, and to his mother, Mrs. Yubdar Nguse, a heroic patriot. After completing his political education with efficiency and high results, he started serving his country when he was appointed as a governor when he was only 18 years old.

In 1913 When Prince Ras Hailelu Tekle Gehemin marched to Segele with the army of Gojam, his son Ayale Mekonen marched under the guarantor of his father, Fitaurari Mekonen Wase. Then, when Prince Ras Emru Haile Selassie was managing Gojam, he saw the service and ability of the Grazmach family and added the administration of Bahir Dar Michael in Achefer Wardiye and Asra Parish in addition to the province called Adbe.

                Bitwaded Ayalew With Ras Emru

In 1928 When Italy invaded Ethiopia by violence, when they marched north under the leadership of Prince Ras Emru, because their father was left to protect their territory due to mediation, with the permission of His Highness, Grazmach Ayaleu marched as his father's head in addition to his own army. They did it.

Then, in the days of their fathers, in the war of Adwa, the enemy that they knew on foot came from heaven, because the power of the enemy became stronger and when he entered as an invader, they returned with the prince's head, escorted his prince to Gore, and after saying goodbye, they entered their native place. As soon as they entered Achefer, they made their preparations for patriotism as a center in the desert. When their younger sister's husband, Grazmach, imprisoned the world in the city of Bahir Dar, Grazmach Ayalew together with his two younger brothers (Kelj) Yeyil and Elj Imru Mekonen and their elder sister's husband, Kignazmach Gesese Meshe, from Zbst, were arrested in Achefer district.

                         Bitwaded Ayalew In Bahir Dar

After hearing that his father and sister's husband who were imprisoned in Bahir Dar city in July 1929 were brutally killed, Fitaurari Ayalew, after being imprisoned for seven months, immediately took his brothers who were imprisoned with them and escaped from the fascist prison. 

When they gather and consult with their brothers and colleagues about their struggle against the fascists, they stayed for a few weeks. As soon as the enemy found out that they had broken out of the prison and escaped, they looted their and their father's house and possessions in the village of Eshuda Abo, and then burned their house.

                           Bitwaded Ayalew In Dangla

Then, on September 5, 1993 AD, the war against the fascist center in Dangla city and the great war in which many salats and bands ended for the first time since the fascists invaded Ethiopia, was officer Grazmach Ayalew. In the same year, the people of Yachefer gathered and unanimously elected him to be the governor and army leader for his father's death anniversary and for his service. By the way, the state that was called Achefer at the time included one hundred and fourteen parishes, and in the east, Mecha In the South, Kukura, Bachan and Yermha Vice District; It was bordered on the west by Upper Vice District, Gazge Vice District of Begamdr Province and on the north by Tana Lake and Alafu Taqusa District.

Since the oppressive enemy was careful to organize a large number of soldiers, and because he heard that they had been sent with their majesty and that they had treated the Dejazmach who were the ambassadors of Janhoi with a heavy heart, he wanted to use force to win and breathe with all his lungs. Village Amba came to Giurgis unexpectedly and put them in danger.

            Final Of Bitwaded Ayalew Mekonen

In the fierce battle, he and his two brothers, all 3 of them were wounded together. However, Daru, being a man, was a hero, kind, intelligent, and loved and respected by people, but because there was no way to avoid death, due to his illness, he died at the age of 22 when he was given birth at the Kela Haimet Hospital in Bahir Dar due to his illness.

After giving a final salute in the title of general, when he finished playing the mournful march, his short life story was read and his body was laid to rest in honor at the veterans' place. As soon as his body was laid to rest, he handed over a telegram of condolence from His Majesty the Emperor to his honorable wife.