Grazmach Tesfay Abraha was born to his father Ato Abraha Berakhi and his mother Mrs. Tserka Habtesion in 1911 in the village of Tsala Agaba with the special name Tsaagega. His level of education is attended the school of corn school in the old system of education.

At that time, the level of education given to the Abeshes by the Italian occupation government was only up to 4th grade. He also studied up to 4th grade. After that, motivated by their great interest in education, they entered and studied because the British military government in Eritrea had created the Shall without the level and type of education.

Then, because they had the same big dream and vision because they would be given an opportunity to study in the evening session through their personal efforts they entered and studied there. They studied law for 3 years. After that, they studied for 3 years in the field of business education. 

                  Tesfay In St, Mary School

In the world of work, he taught at St. Mary's School for ten years from 1938 to 1948. From November 14, 1948, he worked for 7 years as a deputy editor at the Tigrinya language newspaper "Zeman" at the Public Relations Institute. After that, starting from April 1955, he worked as the editor in chief of the "Hebesa" newspaper until he retired in 1967.

They served their people and their government with sincerity and loyalty. Grazmach Tesfay stood up for his patriotism and his love for the country  since the founding of the Patriotic Association in 1934, he served steadfastly as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hamasen District Patriotic Association until Eritrea was united with Ethiopia in 1945. After that, it is known that they have made a great contribution to sing "Ethiopia or Death". 

                           Tesfay In Fnote Brhan

Grazmach Tesfay contributed greatly to Fnote Birhan newspaper not only as a founder but also as a chief editor. He contributed a great role to the work of the newspaper, either as a member or as an executive.

Fnote Brhan Newspaper was a newspaper managed under the Church of St. Mary. In short, Grazmach Tesfay Abraha worked as a teacher and journalist and served his country and people until the end of his life. Especially Eritreans who participated in the 2nd World War who did not go to school were encouraged to write about their life experiences during the war. With his advice and suggestions, there are people who have written books because of their inability to read and write. Also, it can be seen from the books published 32 years ago that they contributed to the careers of authors and writers with their knowledge and experience in culture and language. According to those who have done some research and research on Tigrinya newspapers in the 20th century, Grazmach Tesfay's contribution is great.

                          Tesfay In Asmara University

Grazmach Tesfay Abraha is a great unsung journalist. Journalist and writer Grazmach Tesfay Abraha was one of the oldest journalists. Studied at Asmara University. He worked as a senior editor in the advertising and programming office. Before becoming a journalist, Grazmach Tesfay worked as a teacher. He also taught at St. Maryam School, which is managed under Maryam Zion Church in Asmara.

                        Final Of Grazmach Tesfay

He is married to Mrs. Lul Goitoom and has 7 children. Of the 7 children she gave birth to, 3 are still alive. Our effort in 2022 explains that the others and their mother are still alive. He fell ill in 1982 in Asmara city and was buried in his native village called Adi Geda in Saraye district, Badbarwa district.

Grazmach's funeral was on November 29, 1982. He died at the age of 71 due to illness. The date of his death is November 28, 1982. At the time of his death, the Ministry of Information laid a wreath at the Xenfer Masriyat of Eritrea.