Wag shum gwangul biru was a great warrior and one of the sons of wagshum biru gebremedhn and the most famous. When they had a good relationship with emperor menelik II. European calendar from 1889 to 1895 january as the governor of ambasal with the title the people of ambasal they managed it wisely.

In 1895, according to the European calendar, wagshum guangul was ordered by Emperor Menelik II to move his army to Tigray. On february 23, 1888 before the main battle was fought at adwa, two major battles were fought at ambalage and mekele. Wars have been fought the ancestors of these wars our mothers went through many hardships for many months until they reached the place where the war took place.

                          Biru With Tekletsadiq

Tekletsadiq mekuria walking the situation at the time"Ethiopian soldiers have been informed of the italian aggression and since the declaration of seclusion has been announced the nearest towns of gojam begemdir wolon and yelastau are 300 to 500 km away". The army of shawana harer, bale, arusi, kenbata, sidamo, kebat, jimma, wolega and ilubabur marched across the country with a length of 600 to 1000 or up to 1500 km on foot.

Most of them are wearing tight shorts a single layered over it. He walks from wood and stone struggling with obstacles the thorn in his leg is injuring him in the heat. The fighting soldier the victualler and the tent attendant usually prepared grain (chickpeas, peas and beans) for food at his own expense which was ground or ground by fire. Barley flour is soaked in water and eaten with a soo. In order to distract from the fatigue of the journey, there was one of the men who was traveling shouting and shorting. Among the women there are those who mumble and rhyme.

The Ethiopian soldier traveled the long way on foot ate his own grains drank clean water and was transported by train and ship from across the sea. By saving he bequeathed a rich and fascinating history to future generations. Many soldiers marched under the king and queen as well as the leaders of the army and fought guangul biru had 11,000 soldiers.

                                  Biru Army         

The war chief guangul biru army which includes the gid gebre the army lined up alongside the army of ras mengesha yohannes and made a great adventure on the battlefield of mount ambalage. On the day of the main battle of adwa war commander gwangul biru mixed his army with other brave and patriotic war leaders and defeated the right wing army of the italians led by general albertone on the front of mariam shewito. They fought decisively and captured general albertoni.

During this period, war commander guangul biru's army alone captured more than 400 italian soldiers and high ranking military officers. According to the order of emperor menelik II's secretary, wag shum guangul biru took the captives to wag sekota after the victory. 

Wag shum sacrificed their own children. He bravely retaliated against the massive invasion of somalia. As an army that fought for the honor of the country, it deserves great respect and should not be called an oppressor. That army was built with discipline, superior national patriotism, built with modern military skills, and the leaders were highly qualified ethiopians who studied at the top military academies in various countries around the world.

With the air force and the sea force. By the army. And those in the police force. They had no other purpose but to stand up for Ethiopia and lived in poverty like the rest of the people. There was also a people's army. We were not an oppressor or a derg army. We were the true children of Ethiopia and the true army of Ethiopia.

Many thousands were left on the battlefield. All these sacrifices were made to protect our national unity. We did not have any specific purpose other than protecting the country. We don't have it. We have asked that our name be disclosed to the public at the government level and that our honor be returned to us.

                               Battlefield Hero

Wag shum gwangul is known as a battlefield hero. He tells them that they were famous for administration and judgment. Because he was the nephew of emperor tekle giorgis, He took the throne
nobles of shawa suspected them of wanting to betray us.