Kidane woldemedhen was born in friday night july 2 2007 bulga kesem district let's. Mrs. askale degen who was born in a place called buhe amba, and they were born in ayuderes from kignazmach woldemedhen and were baptized in the name of Kidane Maryam on August 1st and were baptized in st. george's church.

His father is right-wing woldemedhen and his native country is weberi. He was a famous lawyer of his time. It is said that both of those who met mrs. askalem went to koremash district court for their respective cases. kidanemariam also grew up in buhe amba at the house of his grandfather ato dejan debru until the age of 12 and attended the priest's school at st. george's church. after this they were raised in their father's house and completed amharic and geez education.

Addis Ababa was hired as an honor guard and immediately assigned to bale along with sixty nine new soldiers by the order of the emperor. They served as ordinary soldiers until 1927 then as fifty chiefs and as chiefs. Merd and under the leadership of general asfaw wolde giorgis on the nine days after the birth of their first child alemayehu on october 11 1928 they marched from goba to ogaden. 9 months on this front for bashlindi reference Shebele and places like that when they were defending the enemy with balambaras ayele woldemaryam, they returned to goba. 

                         Waldemedhin Leadership

From June 1928 to April 23 1929 from arusi from sidamo they killed the enemy army that came from harar and ogaden to goba in force when they fought under their own leadership. In the end, they were captured by the enemy in a situation where it was impossible to escape during the battle at the place called Tamam.  After the enemy kept them in captivity for five months In January 1993 italy armed them with  and brought them from Goba to Weliso in a covered car and put them in prison. Basha kidanem took a secret oath from among those who were imprisoned with him while they were in prison and after they decided to cover the enemy army there with a hundred people, 

They went to balambaras (later dejazmach). If the enemy had heard that they were looking for someone to send to the duke, they would have followed them closely. When they realized this, they sent the messenger to the village of Balambaras and waited for him. Basha kidanem is the same day at 2 o'clock in the evening. When people were going where they were collecting their weapons and storing them the enemy's guards were alert and lined up to wait for them. Basha kidane however when they shunned their people, the enemy's guards were shocked and even gave orders saying 'don't shoot before they shoot'.

                               Kidane Soldiers

Basha kidane also prepared 55 soldiers out of the 10 people who took the oath at this time. Four machine ten boxes of ammunition; When they snatched six  from the enemy's hand and fired, the enemy force separated twenty soldiers and one machine with only two boxes of ammunition. Immediately they met the balambaras at a place called kusa kidanemhret. After joining the balambaras in dundee in Sodo moses archer who said that he was sent from duka daostana and general nazi at the place called dakero after they were doing their patriotism in badakero and mesalu places until october 1931. A spy named sebastiano chastagna arrives with three knights.

The patriots previously in 1930 this spy went to balambaras abebe agei and after seeing the power of the army, they had heard that he had killed many patriots, so they realized that he had come to kill them in the same way. when they hit him, 'Mama Mia; let Italy live forever i died for italy's sake, they shot him in the head with a gun and killed him, then they captured his full gabardine clothes and coat.
As well as the silver watch with the picture of the queen's crown and the mule from his wallet. He
if the knights who came with him had informed general nazi that he had been killed twenty eight battalions of soldiers and twenty eight aircraft would have marched to dakero and defended tertaun for three days.

                           Final Of Waldemedhin

After the emperor's abdication the honorable dejazmach kidane was elected and served as the chairman of the ancient ethiopian heroes and patriots association. He traveled to moscow on october 9 1992 to participate in the international conference held in Rome on behalf of his country and the association. He died at the age of sixty four.